Monday, August 31, 2009

Happy 4th Birthday, Micah

My big boy turned 4 this week. Here's the birthday boy all ready for school!
After school Micah had a party at the jumpy place.
Look at the springs on that boy!
Blowing out the candles on the birthday cake.
Monster truck birthday cake.
The cake was blue. Not just the icing, the actual cake too!
Mical was king for a day.
Micah's presents went in the blue wagon. Pretty cool.
Wow, what a haul! Thank you everyone!

Friday, August 14, 2009

Micah's First Day at PreK

This week, Micah started school at the local public school. Mama was nervous because this means a five full days of school each week. Micah was excited because he gets to carry a backpack! We got up early to pack his backpack for school.
All packed and ready to go.
I can't believe how big and grown up he is.

Visit from Lao Lao and Lao Ye

Lao Lao and Lao Ye recently came for a week's visit. Micah was thrilled to spend time with his grandparents. (I think they enjoyed it too). We mostly stuck around home and spent family time together.

Stopping at the Redneck Gourmet.
Micah enjoying his sweet tea. Yes, he's a southern boy who happens to have been born in China.
No visit to the ATL is complete without lunch at Chik-Fil-A.
Yum! Nuggets!
Picnic lunch at the park.