Friday, May 09, 2008

I guess I'm a Non Mom

NBC is having an America's Favorite Mom Contest. Nominees come from several categories including the Non-Mom Mom. Grandparent, stepmom, or mom to adopted children, each one raising and loving a child. What!?!?!? I've waited all my life to be a mom, only to find out I'm a non mom. Ouch. I'll bet those grandmas and stepmoms are a little sore too! A mom is a mom is a mom.

I'm not usually not one to get riled up about stuff like that, but this one gets my goat. I'm sending a not-so-happy response to NBC and Teleflora.


Kim said...

We've already talked to Teleflora and NBC. They are really getting the 'heat' from their responses.

Anonymous said...

My name is Erika, and I work with Edelman on behalf of Teleflora’s “America’s Favorite Mom” program. Thank you for reaching out to us to share your thoughts and express your concern about this issue. After closer examination, Teleflora recognized how this may have been offensive to moms who have adopted children… moms who are indeed real moms in every sense of the word.

This show of insensitivity was in no way intended and Teleflora offers its deepest apology. It was always Teleflora’s intent to salute and celebrate all moms.

Please know that in response the concerns expressed, Teleflora immediately changed the name of the “Non-Mom” category to “Adopting Moms,” which has already been posted at

On behalf of Teleflora, I would like to offer you best wishes on this Mother’s Day.