Here are some things we've learned about our son (in no particular order):
- He can be a total clown - goofing and playing.
- He's a huge flirt. I caught him blowing kisses to a little girl at breakfast this morning.
- The boy LOVES chocolate.
- He knows the meaning of the word "no," but hates to hear it!
- For Molly: his first word in English was "no."
- Every time we come into the hotel room he wants to strip down and jump in the tub. He'd take three or four baths a day.
- He's a boy on-the-go. Have stroller will travel.
- He hates, hates, hates bed time.
- He wants to be potty trained. He is aware of when he needs to go with enough lead time to get him to the potty. Diapers are OK for bedtime only.
- He will try anything he sees daddy doing.
- He's very smart. He likes to figure out how things work.
- Putting toys away properly is an essential part of play.
- He's good at sharing - he's given his cold to each of us.
- He pointed at the picture of him and Lainey on the computer and said, "Lainey!"
- When he rolls his eyes and smiles, he's completely irresistable.
sigh! he sounds absolutely adorable. in 30 years when i allow my girls to date i think i might have a beautiful sassy girl to fix him up with;-)
What a honey he is...
Well 2 clowns in one house; that is going to be very active. Sounds like things are falling some what into place, before you know it you will have a routine. Cannot wait to visit.
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