Then Mama and Micah went shopping. We went in and out of little shops. In every shop someone follows you around showing you things and enticing your child with shiny toys. I'll never complain again about the customer service people at home. I did get Micah a ball and a shape sorter thing. He needs help to do it but we work together to put all the shapes into their respective spots. It's good bonding time for the two of us.

Baba finished his paperwork and we had lunch in our room. Micah fussed through his nap time, and since we had to leave at 2:30, he just didn't get a nap. We all met in the lobby to walk to the clinic for Micah's consulate checkup. He was just fine with them taking his temperature, height and weight, and checking his eyes, ears and nose. But when they took off his shoes socks and pants for his examination, he didn't like that one bit. Throughout the whole appointment, he clung to mama. He seems to have formed an uneasy attachment to me. He seems to find me more comforting when something's bad, like the doctor. I take any face time he will give me, so I was eating up all the snuggles in the clinic.

We ate dinner at the famous Lucy's. I had a cheeseburger and french fries. Let me tell you that was the most delicious burger I've ever had. I couldn't eat it fast enough. We watched a group of ladies dancing with pretty flowery things in the area behind Lucy's. I haven't found the kids rides that Donna was talking about, but we'll explore again later.
Look at the pretty ladies, Mama!
Welcome to Guangzhou, Karen! If it weren't for Papa John's, Lucy's, and Starbucks, I don't know if I could have made it the whole week. Almost everyone I know got a cold or something that last week. I think it's your body's way of saying "Enough! Get me and this baby home!".
As for the rides behind Lucy's, if you walk out along the river and to the left (not sure which compass direction that is)they are between Lucy's and whatever the restaurant to the left of Lucy's is. I'm sure that's no help, but if you walk around behind Lucy's where they dance & Tai Chi in the AM, you'll find them. Ian was afraid of the rides, but Micah is the perfect age for them.
Sounds like he's starting to bond to you slowly but surely. You really will look back one day and say "remember when he preferred baba?" It will seem like a distant memory.
Have a great time in GZ and be sure to stop by Michael's Place. He was our favorite of the "hard sell" shop owners and did the best job on Chops in my opinion.
dear dear, I know how it feels to be rejected by the one you traveled around the world for and would give your life for. Glenys did so to me in 2005. Just give both of you time and it will get better. Give yourself some grief time too for the rejection feeling because your feelings are real and validated.
Great pictures! Lucy's rocks, they have some awesome food there. I recommend their chicken dinner, it's to die for.
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