Just a quick update to let you all know how today went. I felt the love and prayers of people all around me. I'm so glad that my friends are such prayer warriors. I'll post details in the morning. Bottom line - the grief is still tough, but for some reason I feel better able to watch it and Micah will let Mama and Baba (yes, both of us) comfort him. For now, I need to get some much needed rest as my boy is sleeping soundly. I'll post a picture because he's just too cute to not include at least one. Note which sippy cup won.
Glad to hear things are better today! It really does get a little better every day. Don't forget to stop and smell the roses in the midst of all this chaos!
Thanks for posting the picture. I can't wait to meet that cutie pie in person. Take care and yes don't forget to enjoy this journey along the way no matter how bumpy it gets :)
((((Big Hugs))) to you guys!!
We are a CCAI WCP family. Just wanted to let you know that our DD did the same thing. Totally grieved and raged at night. It got a little better every night and after about 2 weeks at home, she was for the most part finished with her grieving. Your son is adorable. Congrats and we are thinking of you all...
So glad that you are increasingly more at peace. Savor these days!
Glad to know he is turning a corner for you. I understand the rejection as my daughter did so to me in China opting for the protecting hands of her grandad.
Amen...so many people are praying for you guys and God is so faithful! Love, Dan, Susan, Grace and MiMi (and Hope)
So glad that a small corner has turned. He is precious! I am following every step and praying for you all the way!
Kelli (&RJ&Nat)
So thankful that today was a better day. Praying that each day gets better. He's so cute!
Dearest Bruce, Karen and Micah:
I am glad that one day has made a difference...that is life! I am sorry I did not read you yesterday or I would have reminded you of the story of Alex' night frights....when you feel rejected it hurts, but Remember that God knows you are is Mama, he knows you are his Mama....even when he kicks and screams...and you have to feel it, believe and know it.
Love you,
Best sippies in the WORLD! :) Although Keira kind of chews through them now lol.
I'm so glad to hear that things are better today! Just keep remembering that it will get better and better with lots of love and patience from Mama and Baba!
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