Our bags are packed, we're ready to go... This is our last post from home. We'll be up before the sun tomorrow to catch our first flight. Twenty-four hours and fifteen minutes later, we should be in Beijing. Of course with the 13 hours we lose, it will be Thursday evening before we arrive. We'll try to post from the road!
That looks like our pile of luggage. We are leaving on 2/14 to get Noah. Maybe we will cross paths in Guanzhou. ~v
Good luck and looking forward to that first pic holding your baby!
AHHH! I'm so excited!...so I can only imagine how you all feel!!! Please know our prayers are with you--even while we know you're not sleeping a wink tonight!
Yi lu pingan! (have a safe journey) We'll be praying for it!...as well as comfortable and quick travels--and smooth transitions!!
Heather & Eric
Oh, those packed bags bring back memories... I know that you're about to burst with excitement!!! Have safe travels and know that you're in our prayers!
God Bless!!
have safe travels. email me if you need any anything! I cannot wait for our boys to meet!
WHOO HOOO! I'm gonna be an Uncle!
Your brother.
Have a safe journey and we will be following along! Can't wait to read all about Family Day!
The Evans Family
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