Friday, June 20, 2008

Friday (at least I think it's Friday)

Funny how the days run together in the fuzzy inpatient world.  The day and night go by in small chunks between medications and vital signs and the Mama and the Baba try to sleep when they can. 
Our night nurse was awesome!  Love ya Amy!!!!  All of the nurses here are great, but let me tell you when Amy walked into the room it brought such a sense of peace you could practically feel it.  It helped that Micah knows her and he calmed down and got some rest.  Micah's pain is pretty well controlled with the medications he's on and he slept for nearly six hours last night.  Mama and Baba even got a few good chunks of sleep too.  I curled up with Micah in his bed and he slept on my chest for most of the night.  After 4:45, he decided he was confident enough to sleep on the bed next to me.  Bruce slept on the fold out couch thingee in the room. 
Micah still refuses to drink or eat anything.  Because of that, we will not be going home today.  He needs to drink and eat regularly before he can be discharged to Mama and Baba's care.  He's a bright little boy and he realizes that things are not the way they used to be and doesn't want to drink anything. 
More later, I'm sure. 


FHL said...

Checking in to see how Micah's doing. Sending a hug and praying that the pain will recede and that he'll be comfortable eating and drinking soon!

RamblingMother said...

How neat Amy is your nurse. She can bring calm and peace can't she.

Donna said...

YEAH for sleep! Too bad another day there. SHelby started drinking from a Yoo-hoo bottle there. Hoping you can find something he will eat soon.

Unknown said...

YOu guys rock and I expect another rocking night!

See ya later!

Jen & Bill said...

Our boys sound like they could be twins!

Ricky actually ate before he drank. They let us go based off of his eating. Maybe trying some pudding, applesauce will work?

Heather said...

Sending prayers your way! I hope you all get some rest soon!

Julie said...

Checking in to see how everyone is doing. The worst is over! I'm so glad for all of you. Now I pray that Micah heals quickly and well.

Unknown said...

Hope you are getting rest, and that Micah is feeling better and startin to eat. Poor little guy.