Monday, August 18, 2008

Six Months Together

Can you believe that it's been six months since we first me this sweet little guy?

Then. Here is Micah on our first shopping trip in Tianjin. He seemed a little concerned about these people who took him from the CWI. And now. That frightened little boy has blossomed into an active toddler who loves his Mama and Baba.


Unknown said...

It is hard to believe that 6 months has passed already. What a little blessing Micah is!

Anonymous said...

6 months!! We are at the six month point too. Hard to remember life before our littel guy! Bet the same for you.

Donna said...

Happy 6 months to you, too! Amazing, half a year!! In a way, those early days seem like they were yesterday and also a lifetime ago. Funny how time works.
SEE you soon!!! :)

FHL said...

He has blossomed. It's amazing what love can do :o)

Unknown said...

It is hard to believe how fast 6 months goes...he is such a cutie.

Teri in Colorado City

Steph said...

I look back at our pictures of Ian in China and can see his fear. I didn't know that's what it was then, but I sure can see it looking back, now. Micah has blossomed so much in such a short period of time! He's too precious!